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Photo of Josefina Castellanos Venezuela

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Name: Josefina Castellanos was born in Spain, Calasparra, Murcia. He lives in Venezuela since 1965 STUDIES College of Ceramics in Madrid School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid College of San Fernando in Madrid Training Courses artistic Capacitaciny in the workshop of the painter Daniel Vsquez Daz, Madrid in Florence, Italy, and different workshops Capacitacin in Paris, Apreciacin artistic workshops in London, Spain, Italy,...

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Name: Josefina Castellanos was born in Spain, Calasparra, Murcia. He lives in Venezuela since 1965 STUDIES College of Ceramics in Madrid School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid College of San Fernando in Madrid Training Courses artistic Capacitaciny in the workshop of the painter Daniel Vsquez Daz, Madrid in Florence, Italy, and different workshops Capacitacin in Paris, Apreciacin artistic workshops in London, Spain, Italy, France EXHIBITIONS HELD Galera TOISON: Madrid 1962 Palacio FOX, Secretary National Lisbon Official invitation sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Madrid, 1963 Galera GREDOS: Barcelona 1964 CIRCLE OF THE ARMED FORCES, Caracas, Barquisimeto ATENEO 1966, under his patronage, was held in the school hall physician of that city, 1967 Galera MARCOS CASTILLO: Caracas, 1968 / 1971 / 1973 / 1975 Galera Island: Caracas, 1969 Galera CHAMPS ELYSEES: Caracas, 1972 ASSOCIATION PRO-VENEZUELA, THE PALACE OF INDUSTRY: Caracas, 1976 CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT MUSEUM FEDERAL: Caracas, 1986 Humboldt CULTURAL ASSOCIATION: Caracas, 1995 EXHIBITIONS HALL OFFICIAL: Other in Madrid , Spain NEW PROMISES OF SPANISH PAINTING: Madrid, Alicante, Valencia, Barcelona, ??etc. LEADING ARTISTS: Madrid, Barcelona autumn ROOMS: Madrid, Misc. VALUES YOUTH PAINTING IN SPAIN: Madrid, Valencia ROOMS VENEZUELAN OFFICIALS OF ART: Various in Caracas, Venezuela HALL OF ART AND APPLIED Several Arturo Michelena, Valencia, Venezuela III AMERICAN SALON: Universidad Central de Venezuela and other distinctions FAIR MEDAL Otoo: Madrid 1964 Scholar CONTEST: College of Ceramics Prize Hall MACARONI Madrid: Madrid 1964 FIRST PRIZE GOLDEN PALETTE: Armando Revern Galera, Caracas 1965 PLATE RECOGNITION THE CONAC (Municipal Council of Culture, Venezuela, 1979 Honorable Mention in Spain and VENEZUELA OFFICIAL HALL JOSEPHINE CASTELLANOS: She is the creator and promoter of the Halls NEW VALUES OF THE PLASTIC IN VENEZUELA In the autumn ROOMS AND SPRING in Venezuela and the Soroptimist BIENNIAL oriented to the promotion of poor painters Amateurs economically

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